Senior Director

Senior Professor Pathmalal M. Manage
Prof. Pathmalal M. Manage holds esteemed positions at the university, serving as the Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor of Zoology, Former Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Co-chair of the Research Council, and founder and Senior Director of the Centre for Water Quality and Algae Research. Under Prof. Manage's guidance, the Centre for Water Quality and Algae Research is positioned to make significant strides in the fields of biology, water quality, and environmental management. His multifaceted contributions underscore the center's commitment to excellence and its impact on both local and global scales.

                                                                                About Our Centre

Who We Are ?

We are a collaborative, supportive, and diverse group that is dedicated to advancing science and conservation alongside justice and equity. We offer opportunities to lead independent research and work collaboratively in teams. We provide opportunities to develop a range of skills including lab and field skills, quantitative and theoretical tools, reproducible research practices, science communication, and community engagement.



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